Monday, May 30, 2011
Exp 3 stuff.
Wednesday, May 11, 2011
Tuesday, May 10, 2011
Experiment 2 Feedback
In no particular order....
Key strength of the scheme:
Nicely detailed landscape, well lit, beautifully composed and captivating images. You have used the hypotheses to inform the design of your assemblage, and have provided images that show it from afar and from eye-height in order to convey the full experience. You have also thought creatively about intersecting solid and void blocks and have produced a submission which is both communicative as a massing model and buildable.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
You could have thought about using detail elements to enhance this scheme further. Please start working towards your final submission earlier so we can discuss it and eliminate misunderstandings.
Key strength of the scheme:
The composition of blocks and location of labs are well explained, and the landform is customised to fit the structure. You have identified the key part of this Experiment – the massing model's existence in the landscape - and have made a good attempt at a harmonious solution. Good images and thorough reasoning.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The scheme's weakness is in the details – the model looks uniformly textured and with the amount of text and thought in your submission, your Electroliquid Aggregation is very simplistic. You could have used detail elements to enhance this scheme.
Key strength of the scheme:
A very good selection of images to show different views of your scheme. Good use of textures and improvement in your hand drawings.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
If your ideas are based on 'imbalance' and 'torturous projections' this could have been more dramatically illustrated in an imbalanced and projecting composition.
There is no Electroliquid Aggregation and the meeting place has not received any significant thought.
Josh J
Key strength of the scheme:
Interesting carving of the landscape. Well-executed and intricate axonometrics.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
While you have attempted to make a distinctive landscape, the combination of blocks could have been better fitted to the 'double' island you have created – they sit on the mudbank a little awkwardly. The floating 'meeting place' that you have designed doesn't relate formally to the rest of your scheme.
Both hypotheses you have chosen - the numbers in dreams and equal and opposite reaction – could have been greatly enhanced by detail elements, but you have not taken advantage of this aspect of the project.
Key strength of the scheme:
The environment and the massing model within it are delicately detailed and resolved. You have embraced the detail elements and have created a robust submission that answers every question in the brief, with the forms of the labs firmly connected to the scientists' hypotheses.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The scheme is still restrained by realism – it fits the scale and proportions of a conventional house, and the applied textures mimic the scale and appearance of conventional building materials. While this is not necessarily a fault, there was scope to be more inventive with these aspects of the assignment. The meeting place could also have been more adventurous than the logical midpoint of the composition.
Josh Y
Key strength of the scheme:
You have made some attempts to embed the assemblage of blocks in the environment through manipulating the landform and vegetation. Also, most of your views of the model are from eye-height. These things make the scheme more believable as an inhabited structure.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
It would have been useful to have an image from further away, to see the overall composition / intersection of blocks.There is insufficient explanatory text and no Electroliquid Aggregation. Almost none of your model is textured with your custom textures. Your hand drawings need improvement.
Key strength of the scheme:
Your ideas about languages and connection are good and well explained. You have chosen your images well to show your scheme from all angles, and the way the model surrounds a central meeting space in a garden is a sensitive touch.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The composition looks like a fairly conventional multi-storey building. You could have thought of ways to use the detail elements to convey multilingualism and communication. The rest of the environment on the island could have been developed further.
Key strength of the scheme:
The sketch axonometrics are diverse and interesting, and your draft Crysis composition of blocks showed promise.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The axo in your draft Crysis model would have been a better one to develop than the planar one in your final submission. You could have explored the possibilities of intersecting the blocks in more interesting ways and you have not taken advantage of the 'detail element' component. You have made a good attempt at carving the landscape but this could have been developed much more.
Key strength of the scheme:
The textures are excellent. It can be seen from your draft Crysis model that you have tried to experiment with the landscape.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
Because you have upoladed only two of the five final images, you have an incomplete submission in the most important category of this project. There is no Electroliquid Aggregation and no information about how your scheme relates to either white light or dreaming. “Sketch Axonometrics” should not be printouts from SketchUp that you have traced over.
Key strength of the scheme:
The general execution and texturing of the project is good, and you have thought about the location of the meeting place.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The model is inserted into the landscape without real thought to customising either the landscape of the model to provide an interesting interface. The text is a little confusing and it's difficult to see how the comments relate to the scheme.
Key strength of the scheme:
Evocative final images and well-composed assemblage of blocks suggesting balance, weight and counter-weight.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
You have not been clear about whose these labs are and the reasons for your design decisions. There is no assigned meeting place and no way for the client at the end of the 'jetty' to get to and from the landform. It is hard to tell if the project fits the hypotheses as there is no Electroliquid Aggregation. You need to spell these things out – it should not be difficult for me to understand what you're trying to achieve.
Key strength of the scheme:
This is an interesting take on the Experiment brief. The textures work well with the elements. It is unclear how you arrived at the Electroliquid Aggregation from your two hypotheses, but your composition of blocks illustrates it well.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
You have not assigned a lab to each scientist and have used too many blocks (if each red cube is to be counted as one). Consider some variety with lighting.
Key strength of the scheme:
Good choice of images to show your model in the landscape and well-considered views from the labs. You have made a good attempt to use lights, detail elements, textures and sculpted landform to enhance your project.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
There is insufficient text and no Electroliquid Aggregation to sum up the full idea. The meeting place should have been somewhere in the landscape. The scheme is proportioned like a conventional multi-storey house, so loses the abstractness of a massing model.
Jessica D
Key strength of the scheme:
There are some good arguments for the design of this scheme, and a good mix of distance views and closeups. The presentation of your process work has improved.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
The composition of blocks is very simplistic and there is little manipulation of the landform.
Jessica L
Key strength of the scheme:
You have made an interesting and distinctive environment with good texturing and lighting.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
There has been no attempt to fit the model to the landscape (or vice versa), and no explanation for the location of the labs and why they are appropriate for the clients you have chosen. The hand drawings need improvement.
Key strength of the scheme:
Your placement of the blocks on the island is highly considered and well composed. You have nicely allocated textures on the model and an interesting feature block that is dark in the daytime and illuminated at night. The landform and the assembly of blocks are complementary and take on equal emphasis in your scheme. You have also addressed circulation on the island.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
It is a real shame that you have not done all parts of this Experiment to the same standard. There is insufficient explanation and no Electroliquid Aggregation. Your textures should have been done with much more care. Be careful about uploading too many images as too much repetition detracts from your submission.
Key strength of the scheme:
The images are well selected, showing both how one inhabits the structure, and the logic of the arrangement from a distance. The way the model descends the slope shows communication between it and the landform.
Most significant weakness of the scheme:
Technically your composition isn't interconnected, not even by absent blocks. There is no real explanation of the hypotheses, and for why you have assigned the two labs the way that you did. I hope you can fix the texture tiling problem for Ex.3.
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
Bridges in motion
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
E2 Thoughts
- Not be mistaken for additional rectangles. We will be very strict about counting blocks.
- Arise in some way out of the large composition of rectangular prisms. Elements of the large composition can be e.g. shrunk and repeated to form wall cladding. You can choose to develop details like balustrades or stairs, but we are NOT expecting a massing model that looks like a building, or laboratories that are outfitted with equipment.
- Be created at your discretion. We are not counting the number of additions you include, but are judging whether they enhance (or detract from) your scheme.
Tuesday, April 5, 2011
Experiment 2 beginnings
Hoover Dam
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Your hypotheses about the scientists:
Newton made too much of a big deal out of the falling Apple. Gravity has always existed, he only gave it a name.
Newton’s universal law of gravitation won’t let anyone fly without wings.
Newton had established laws that changed the physical principles of this world.
Knowing that light may be broken into 7 colours has made rainbows less magical.
Newton never married because he loved science too much.
Newton changed the scientific world based on his discovery of the Law of Gravity.
Sigmund Freud
Freud’s belief that smoking can enhance the capacity to work has probably made many psychiatrists die too young.
The idea that it is possible to cure mental illness by analysing dreams has made people paranoid about dreaming.
Human life should not be considered as the proper material for wild experiments.
Freud’s discovery that negative things can be repressed has made them harder to repress.
Freud’s proved that it is possible to create something significant out of nothing. He became famous for hypotheses that cannot be proved or disproved.
Freud's clear mind and conscience aided in analysing the minds of others.
Life instints didn't tell the whole story of life as it fails quite often.
Every person has an unconscious wish to die as they all know life is short.
Religion was something to overcome in order to develop etheism.
Maria Agnesi
An entity can be analysed by looking at the smaller parts that it is comprised of.
That something is too small to physically exist, does not mean that it does not exist.
Agnesi’s knowledge of multiple languages helped connect all the different facets of her life.
Despite her intelligence, her beauty and nobility helped establish herself in a time when it was difficult for female scholars to be taken seriously.
Sunday, March 27, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Extra SketchUp Tutorial this Friday!!
Livraria Porto
Getting ready for Exp 1
Friday, March 18, 2011
Quick Note About Experiment 1
Choose a specific work from two of the three artists listed above and create an architecture consisting of three spaces; one below ground, one above ground and one on the ground plane. The spaces above and below ground are the artists studios (imagine they are actually creating the work there). The space on the ground plane is a gallery for selling the work. Create a stair that allows each artist to bring their completed work to the gallery in a distinctive and significant way.
Keep at the front of your mind who the artists are, and the words that have inspired their studios. The best submissions will be the ones that address the specific spatial requirements of the artists making and exhibiting their art, but that also keep the form / use of the studios illustrative in some way of the words that were the stimulus for your early sections.
Think about how the studios and the exhibition space can be distinctive and significant, but also related to oneanoter - points of support, sight lines etc. Think also about how you form the stairs as elements that connect (and separate) these spaces.
General Points
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Stair Porn
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Brodsky and Utkin-spiration
This Russian duo produced very detailed and evocative etchings that look a few hundred years old (in fact they're from only about 20-30 years ago). The best collection of images I could find is at this website where you can read a bit of background too if you're interested.
Most of the designs are entirely imaginary but wonderfully communicative, like memorable drawings in really great children's books. You can feel what it's like to teeter at the edge of a deep chasm, to be in a dark grotto, or to be in a castle made of brittle and transparent glass. You can also sense the difference in mood between a lonely structure in a vast expanse, and a structure among a large clutter of similar structures. In almost all cases, Brodsky and Utkin use sections to convey the feel of these imaginary places.
Although these etchings are obviously far more intense than the sections you have been asked to draw, it's worth noting:
- the difference between above-ground spaces and below-ground spaces, and the effect of changing the direction and intensity of light;
- the investigation of strict geometry versus 'randomness';
- that although imaginary, we have a very good idea of the texture and materiality of these spaces, and how thick / solid / fragile / flimsy some elements are. But this doesn't mean that most of this stuff can be built;
- that the sections have information about what is beyond the section cut (i.e., what is in the background, or at the back of the 'room' that we are looking into); and
- that the artists here are also restricted to representing their ideas with black and white lines.
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
I have added links to your blogs, and am now looking at your artwork :) . If you can't see your blog on my list you either didn't give me a link or gave me one that was problematic. Please drop me a comment with your blog address.
The image I was trying to find for you is this one. It is The Wave Residences by Henning Larsen:
I am not saying it's not good architecture, but I'm putting it here as an example of what I'd like you to be careful about doing. Please be wary of taking your section and simply extruding it to make a 3D model of your studio. If you do that, and cap both ends with, say, glass, it MAY be a good studio. It MAY also look like you were being a bit lazy. Consider that, based on your section, you can create many different studios in 3D without taking the easiest possible option, which is simply to extrude.
It was nice to meet you all, good luck with your models for next week.